thank you everyone

Feeling: speechless
Thank you all who came and surprised me on friday. That made my week a good one. I hope you all had fun and stuff. How did you all manage to get that many people over at my house with out me knowing about it? I love you kids. I got a new bass guitar. it is red and pretty. I got to practice with it yesterday and it sounded like it came from heaven. I went and saw converge and curl up and die last night. It was such a good show. I ended up really hurting my hand badly. It was all swollen up last night but then byt the end of the night it was huge. I put ice on it and it got a lil better. Curl Up and Die was amazing. They are so good. I love them. Converge was good too. I was feeling to good when they were playing though. I had a jacket on when i was messing around in the pit and i think i got dehydrated. Then i also got kicked in the head really hard by some big guy and i got all dizzy. It wasnt a good feeling. It was good times though. Today i hung out with bucky and nick. We didnt do much besides go to cyber world but it was still a good time to hang out with them.
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Cyber World.. ahh.. the good ol' days..
lol yes i do have a crush ::giggle:: LOVE LOVELOVE the layout!! Postal Service ROX my sox! [jane]