..::: i feel really bad for Lauren. there are 2 certain people that are saying all these things about her trying to make her life a living hell. they did the same to me so i know exactly how she feels. it is kinda sad how that happens. i just hope that those 2 people find out how it feels. it's like they think that it is okay to do that to people but it's not. and it is like they think that it will never come back to them. this one certain person that i can not stand ***** makes me so fucking mad she makes these really fucked up comments to Lauren and is a total fucking bitch to me. she one of the most hypicritical people i know im sorry if this pisses certain people off but i am only telling the truth and she should really learn to keep her self out of my fucking bussiness. she needs to FUCK OFF. and i know i am not the only one that feels this way. she thinks she knows all this shit about me and my life because she hears that i do things from a certain person let me tell you something you don't know SHIT :::..