
Dear you,

In the last entry I probably revealed too much stuff about me.

I really think my pills are starting to kick in. I'm feeling pretty okay lately. You probably know that I have anxiety and depression. I should start seeing a counselor again. I don't want to rely on just pills like you did. But it helps that I'm going shopping today with some of my best friends, and then attending an attic party at another best friends' house. In case you don't know what an attic party is, we basically sit around smoking, laughing and listening to music in Amanda's attic. Feeling infinite.

Amanda has been one of my two best friends of all time since 3rd grade. We've drifted since she got a controlling boyfriend. He doesn't know that she smokes cigarettes and/or weed, but he's away tonight. I hope you know I'll never smoke cigarettes, I watched them kill you. Actually, my dad always says your lungs were fine when you died. Personally, I think you died from being sad for so long. I wish you would have gotten some help.

Anyway, my other best friend of all time is Georgia. Now I hope no one from the internet reads this and realizes who I am, but I'm pretty sure no one will. I would come up with fake names for them but I'd probably lose track. She's my heart and soul, she really is. I love her. Every time I think about her I think of the time I walked into her house (always without knocking, her house is my second home) and found her sobbing on the couch. I knew her grandmother had died the week before but I didn't know she was that upset about it. She's not one to show her emotions like that, and neither am I, so I felt a bit confused.

"What's wrong?"

"Nick... broke... up with me," she said between sharp breaths. She and Nick are the perfect couple. He treats her like a queen. She had a rough relationship that she couldn't get over until Nick came along and changed her life. He is everything I'd want for her.

"I'm sure he'll come around," I sat next to her on the couch. And he did, I might add. She had been angry and depressed lately because her pills weren't working for her. I think she should go to counseling, although I've never suggested it before. I'm actually just thinking of that for the first time now.

I handed her the flowers I brought for her in relation to her grandmother dying. She burst into tears again.

"I love these, you're the best."

We're friends that don't need to talk when we're together. Just being together is enough to fill the void. I sat back and turned on Jeopardy for her. She loves Jeopardy.

"Jeopardy is seriously the only thing I look forward to every day."

"You have a sad life."

And we laughed.



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