Ten Top Trivia Tips about Uriel!
- If you drop Uriel from the top of the Empire State Building, she will be falling fast enough to kill before reaching the ground!
- If you don't get out of bed on the same side you got in, you will have Uriel for the rest of the day.
- Uriel is 1500 years older than the pyramids!
- Plato believed that the souls of melancholy people would be reincarnated into Uriel.
- Uriel has a memory span of three seconds.
- California is the biggest exporter of Uriel in the world.
- White chocolate isn't technically chocolate, because it doesn't contain Uriel.
- It took Uriel 22 years to build the Taj Mahal.
- Julius Caesar wore a laurel wreath to cover up Uriel.
- More than one million stray dogs and half a million stray cats live in Uriel!
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