Hey!Well umm i went to Lori's yesterday n when we went to her grandparents .. her uncle lives like 2 houses away from them well one or two dont kno how its considered lol but anyways ... her uncle found his dog (Butch) dead n it wuz rlly sad .. and it makes me pretty curious n idk they sed there wuz blood splattered on the top of the dog house n me n lori went and looked but didnt see anything but we figured since her aunt and Nana went to give the other dog water that she may have washed it off but we dont rlly kno 4 sure .. umm lets see .. Jordan wants 2 stay over during x-mas break sumtime so i guess ill try 2 get her 2 sumtime b4 we got bak 2 skool.. well im gonan go!L8r! xxMeghan
I ♥ YoU!
i know..gawd i feel soo bad for jen & pop bc that dog was their life :'( i miss butch already..i was walking over 2 my g-parents & i looked over & tears formed in my eyes..xoxo