Load up the bong, crank up the song

Listening to: Sublime // Bong Song
maaan, i wish i had some marijuana right now. well i mean i do, but like, not even half so a bowl. i have rediscovered classic rock and regge. its great. so, i went to see my doctor today about my Adderall and depression. turns out im NOT depressed. im bi-polar 2. bi-polar 2 is when your moods are more down than up. he told me to go see a psychiatrist[sp?] to get it clearified. it will probaly take me a month to get in. i also went to the dentist today. got two fillings. they gave me nitrisoxide, some numbing gell shit that got in the back of my throat and like 7 shots a novacaine. my bottom jaw was numb for HOURS. haha, i called Belle and talked to her for a while when my face was all numb. she said i sounded "special". woo. anyways. i might be able to stay in Austin next week when my family goes to New Orleans for Jazz Fest. i need to saty for TAKS and want to stay for Belle's birthday. im not gonna tell them its her birthday tho haha. yeah, im sneaky like that. no, not really. i failed Algebra. im gonna have to take it again next year. damn, that means i have to take Algebra 2 when im a senior. im gonna have to work my ass off to pass. that or go to Summer School but theres no fuckin way in doin that. my parents said that im grounded untill summer. hah, that sucks. i bet i could weasel my little way out of that. i really hate my father. hes so fucking angry. he confuses me. he tells me to stick up for myself then tells me to NEVER "back talk". what the fuck is taht shit?! he has so much rage its scary. anyway, i know i can go on for EVER about him so ill just stop while im ahead. Belle, i think me might have to go to your house tomarrow. im scared of mine. its not a good party house. but yeah. anyway....ta Edit: HAHA, im inlove with Mr. [Jack] Daniels and Mr. [Herb] Green tell me what you think of my new background, please.
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