mmm...ham ruben sandwich...

Listening to: Tenchi Muyo and 93.7
Feeling: upset
yep. im bored. i want to drink somethin ferce! ha, yeah..i want a cigarette too. but i only have 3 left. just my luck. that leaves two for tomarrow and one for Monday morning. my mom said i probaly have bronchitis. my cough sounds real nasty. why is Tenchi on mute? man, Carena always leaves the tv on up here. her radio too. and her lights. sonofabitch, doesnt know how to conserve energy. shes just as much a Jew as i am. so what the fuck? i dont know. shes WEIRD. i drew a pikachu head on my driveway today. its so beautiful. it says "OBEY" underneath it and "Quarintine" above. eww...Waashu just pulled Ryokie out of her shirt. thats so weird. Tenchi Muyo is the best of the Tenchi series. then its Tenchi Universe and Tenchi in Tokyo just fuckin sucks. we rented the remake of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. it was good cos it was gorey and susspensful. the original was good cos it was campy and funny as hell. i was expecting the remake to suck ass, but it didnt. i have a plan. im not gonna sleep this whole weekend and not take my pills. why? umm...i havnt figured that out yet. something to do i guess. ill take my ADD meds Monday morning. ill take extra. theres enough to where if you take 15 whole pills you cant tell any are missing. then ill smoke that last bowl of kill i have before i leave for the bus. i dont even think its enough to get me buzzed but whatever. i wont take my herbal meds. my mom is makeing me take like 11 pills every morning so my moods are all like normal i guess. i dont know. shes weird. ha, "we're ALL madd here." damn Cheshire. hes the best. i got a stuffed animal of him from Disney Land. it kicks ass. oh, on the driveway, i also wrote "Ariel kicks ass m/" its great. the chalk was all wet cos Carena left it all outside last night when it was raining so they were sorta like paint....but chalk. it was odd. yeah, i didnt want to say "Weird" again. i need some sugar or something. Ooo...nicotine sounds soo good right now even tho i like JUST smoked a fag. but yeah. smokings bad. oh man, on Friday, in 3rd period, we had this sub and he was talking about how he used to LOVE marijuana. and these couple of kids kept asking him about what he thought on the laws or marijuana and alcohol and cigarettes and whathaveyou. it was so funny. hes like this fat, bowl-legged, old man with white hair and thickass glasses talking about drugs and how marijuana is actually good for you and how the laws on marijuana and cigarettes should be switched. which they should be. but with our society the way it is now, theyll just raise the taxes. haha. i feel all dirty. i need a shower. but im too lazy. oh well. ill take one tomarrow. i have to shave Monkey tomarrow and my dads gonna take me to the Burger Center parking lot to drive around in the mini van. yay for my mini van with NO A/C!! woo! maaan, Beck played at Austin City Limits last night. eh, its not like i would have been able too have gotten in anyway. or is that tonight? doesnt matter. ill just watch it on AMN on the tv later. yay!! Carena just agreed to play dress-ups with me! she never likes to play dress-up with me. thats like, the best thing to do when your bored and dont feel like writing or watching tv. tv is EEEEVIIIILLLL!! wow. "a HAM ruben sandwich" thats more impossible then Andrew giving birth to my baby thru his mouth. ok, a ruben sandwich is a JEWISH sandwich. and HELLO! ham=no way in hell it could EVER be kosher. people are stupid. Culver's had that up on their sign a while back and i was just looking at my background. i, personally, dont care for ham. Culver's has GOOD "butterburgers". thats what they call them cos theres like butter on the bum or something like that. woo! my current mood is "upbeat"! my teeth hurt. i think one of my new fillings came out. damn, thats gonna suck if one did. my jaw still hurts from getting those fucking shots in my jaw bone. im dying. i must go. mmm...tea sounds really good right now. so does sugar. and chocolate. and....geraffe? "whats the difference between a Demoracte and a Republican? Democrates blow. Republicans suck."
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u r a bad person