I Miss You

Feeling: inadequate
Oh My Gosh, I havnt felt this way in a long time. See me and Chad...ugh k, we havnt been as close as before and He's in Cranbrook now and its been about 3 or 4 days since i havnt talked to him. You might think its really stupid for me to say that, and thats okay, but It kind of something i can really say here but anyways I just really Miss Him. I need someone to hug and i need someone to hold me. God, i forgot about all of this stuff. I just dont know how to explain it. I miss him and I miss the stuff we did together. Now i just want to be how it used to be. Like me going to his house even if it was 9:30 and i could only be with him at his house for less than an hour. It wouldnt matter because even if we were just lying on the couch talking and just laying beside eachother i felt like i was in my own world. He would whisper stuff into my ear and we would cuddle and watch MXC! lol. I miss it so much. And not just these 3 days ive missed it, we havn't done that in months. Today I woke up and Played Mario Party. The Mac came over and we played it and we did Kareoke and went on the computer. Then I ate dinner with my dad, we had stur-fry. Im not sure how to spell that. Anyways then i Played Harvest Moon. and I got Ann a blue heart! yay! lol anf then I went to Mac's and we scooter/biked to the video store and rented How to Deal. then we came home and watched it..lol Her Puppy is so adorable. Anyways im probably going to go play Harvest moon. haha. I Miss You Chad. *Katie
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Aww katie.. it seems liek u really miss chad, but dont worry.. u guys are the greatest couple in the world.. everythings gonna be alright, an even better. your sucha wonderful gurl.. just have fun!
xox chels