
Feeling: punky
Oh my goodness, im so freaked out for vollyball tryouts tomorrow...ive never played or even tryed out and im really scared but i know some of my friends will be there so when i do something stupid i know my friends will just laugh at me but lol that will make me feel okay. lol. but yah chels is trying out too so it'll be her first time too. Friday after school we went to mcDonalds with lots of people. Then went to baileys for a bit and then I went to football practice. It was fun with Jess lol we went in the Arena and walked in the pitch dark with Jess.Y. too. it was fun. They didnt't end up watching that film they were supposed to but thats okay. and yah then me, Chad and Cooper rented a movie on Saturday but only wacthed like half. Then me and Chad watched the rest today. But its back to school tomorrow. I get McDonalds for breakfast...god i need to eat better...but yah it just sounds like ive been eating it so much. Haha anyways wish me luck on Vollyball... *Katie
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hey!! well good luck on your try outs add me as a friend!!