The Warmth From the Sun Again

Feeling: comfortable
Edgewater was so amazing. so amazing. I havn't ever had an experiance like that in my entire life. I loved it. I wasn't really sure what to expect either, even though everyone that I know who has been on it has loved it..I didn't know what I would think of it. Everyone said its the experiance of a lifetime, it's an amazing chance to find yourself, it's a wonderful trip...well they were all right. It's was sooo good. The bus ride there was the only thing that wasn't fantastic...haha. I laugh about it now though. I started to feel sick like 10-15 minutes into the 14 hour i moved up front and ended up puking in a buket half an hour in to the ride. haha. The teachers were so nice. I met one new teacher and He's sooo hilarious. His names...I'm not even going to try and spell it. (It's french)Mr. Day-coo-toe. Haha thats not how you spell it but that how I will. ANYWAYS, I was okay on the second day and from then on..It was so much fun and I loved seeing the ocean...oh my god it's so pretty. and its relaxing too. Everyone who went on the trip was nice. I have so many more friends...haha I mean not amazingly bestfriends but more people to say hi to in the hall! *grins* I got my grade 9 farewell dress yesterday. I like's cool, it's not majorly fancy cuz I'm saving that for grade 12. I want a fucking princess dress for grade 12! Oh i can't wait. lol anyways I'm not going to look as pretty as the other girls though. I'll have a fricken hot pink cast on my leg and be wearing one shoe that covers my other effing bonion.I'm glueing a big flower on my flip flops to cover it. ahahaa. Yesterday I went to Alex's and it was sooo much fun. It reminded me so much of like 2 summers ago. that summer was great. It was the first summer with chad:) We set up his trampoline (that's a given) and just sat on it and talked and..bounced...obviously..I wish Bailey was there though because she makes it so much fun and I actually missed her at one point and I just wanted everyone that had that summer with us there. I have to get her to come another time...anyways then it started to POUR rain, and I mean POUR. everyone was soaked. was me..chad..greg and alex by then. my hair curled, so I just took it all out of by bun. it was fuunnnnn. Then I had to run usual..I always try and spend as much time as I can over there and end up booking it home. I made it like 3 minutes late..which is fine. Anyways that part was a good time in the day. That's all I have for now I think..America's next top model is on tonight. wooooohooo. *Katie
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