AWWW!!!! Love the hair hun! It effin rocks!!!! And I am dying my hair balck too!! SICK!!!

sweet...your hair looks cool black! well hope your bonfire was kickass...cya!
nice do man lol.
really? i didn't know joe and cg were going! errr damn, i haven't hung out with cg in forEVER lol. it sucks! well cool all went well, you know!
nice hair for a faggot
sure sure alex, just admit it you have no friends!!! j/k ah doesn't it always go that way?! lol gotta love it.
n/m, re-read it and you'll understand. or you won't, either way. again, n/m. i was joking with you.
ended up not going because of the weather, and hung out at his house and then in houghton lake while his dad did night checks (he has to go check on all the juvies and shit like that...)
wow ur pics r hot!! and so r u!! so anywayz u don't kno me and i sure as hell don't kno u but i jus thought maybe u should check out my site lostkitten!!! i also like avenged sevenfold!!