Listening to: psychostick
well i was getting on the highway the oterh day,in the benz,top down,had one of the lawyers with me and hes a car buff,i would have never guessed,anyway on the ramp for the highway and he mentioned it prolly didnt have any balls,i hit it,didnt let off till i saw 130,that was fun...anyway ill be 18 in 2 months i cant believe it...soon ill get the crotch rocket,im thinking either a 93-02 ninja 750,or the same year but a 900 ninja,depending on what prices are...gunna leave soon,like tomorrow,need to go wheeling :EDIT: still havent left this hell hoile...i really hate this place,damn snow,we gotta wait for the weather to be nice all the way up to michigan for us toi leave...motorhome wont go thru snow....errrr....
Read 9 comments
Im 19 in a month and 3 day...beat yah!
a month and a half, biotch!!! i can't wait to finally be 18...
Yes I FELL up the stairs. I was late for class so I decided to run, and tripped. No, it's not broken, but swelled up with lots of fluid. I'm on heavy pain killers that make me feel high as a kite. *stop laughing* :)
the comment was boobies.
and renees a bad human - shes mean, and a cunt.
yeah i raelly hpope its warm...:( i hate snow, fo one, and im raelly looking forward to wheeling and pere cheney.
its been nice for a while now dude, theres no snow anywhere in michigan on the roads as far as i know.

no nothing broke on the truck...well the plastic spoiler deal under the front bumper is fucked up but i dont care about that.
So, um, yeah. I went to the walk in clinic for my knee, and a few hours later to the ER because I ate peanut butter again. The cafeteria at school didn't lable their pizza that it was cooked in peanut oil. So, yeah, almost died again. Fucking tired of the game. Back in Mich. yet? sorry the snow sucks.