
Hey y'all how's it going? I'm doing fine..extremely tired and kinda crabby I guess. I have had my mid-terms all this week and I hate them. I deffinetly just passed my comp final and I have 2 d's possibly 3 for the quarter. I already told you about my weekend at Monadnock...It was so great!! Oh, and I can't forget to mention that Ben is a hottie!! :) Fele has been driving me everywhere, cuz my car is still @ my dad's but its fixed now so HEY YA!! Today Fele and I helped James move into Janet's house. I am so glad that he will be there. It will do him good! Tomorrow we are going on a field trip with my work! We are bringing the kids to go bowling and have a pizza party! It shall be fun! I have my English and Teaching final tomorrow...actually I better go and prepare for my teaching final now! Talk to everyone later! Have fun!
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Have an amazing day, I'm praying for you!!!
OMG physice midterm so horrible, did you do good hope u did, i had a big struggle