Best Week All Year

Hey y'all how are you doing? I am doing EXTREMLEY WELL!!!! I'll tell you about it :D Well....Wednesdays must be my lucky day cuz I got 2 suprises that day! 1) The boy that I asked a long time ago to prom said that he would go with me! So that is really cool, cuz he's shy, and its a big deal to me cuz its my senior year and I just want to have fun! So this will be great! 2) I GOT ACCEPTED TO COLLEGE!!!! :D I got accepted to my 1st choice school and only school I applied to! I am so excited about this..It has been really all that I have wanted for the past year! It is far away from home, but it will be a good new adjustment! It will be fun! So as you can see, my week has been pretty good and I have been on like cloud nine!! Today I was so busy! I didn't go to bed until 2:30 this morning because I was dying James' hair and then I woke up at 7 to go tagging to raise money for his trip! So I am EXTREMELY tired! I also went to the arena to see the family I babysit for! They are all so sweet and cool! Oh another thing...Sherry(the lady I babysit for) gave me a job for the other days in the summer that I'm not working!! YAY!!!! I also asked her today about if I can move in with them the week before I go to school so that I can have a place to live when I come home on breaks, she said yes, but she has to talk to her husband! PLEASE PRAY FOR ME! Well, just wanted to share all the amazing things God has been blessing me with, He is so good (even before he gave me all of these gifts! hehe)! I hope that y'all have a great day! oh, also, could y'all please pray for Haiti?? I went there this past summer as a missionary and I have many friends over there and am completly worried about them, and I have many relatives in the armed forces who may have to go to Haiti and are in Iraq..please pray for them! Thanks guys! Ur the best! Have a great day! ~Aubrey~ P.S...Is anyone else giving up anything for Lent?? I decided to give up eating out! I'll save money and lose some weight eh? Let me know what y'all are doing??
Read 5 comments
I'm giving up sodas... sounds simple, but I really do love my Dr. Pepper and Mountain Dew lol. Anyway, I am praying about the situation in Haiti, my old youth pastor just came back from there and is interested in going in the mission field. I also know another young guy who plans on moving there to start a church and follow God's calling. I'm most definetly praying for you all
God IS good. no, god is fannnnntastic! never forget that!
hey, thanks bunches. you rock!
[Anonymous] told me to write a comment so there ya go....lyl cya luv Felecia
Hey! That's awesome! JESUS LOVES YOU!!! lol
If you want, you can add the Haiti trip to the message thing on the top of my Diary so other people can see it and pray for it!