
Take the quiz: "Poseur or Punk"

Your a true punk. Stay away from poseurs.
You are a punk.You dont care about what anybody thinks.Fuck them all.now run along and stay away from poseurs. fuck ya u fucking posers need to stay the fuck away from me lol
Read 14 comments
rcoking. i left you a comment :) lol.

<3 ya

I don't think that's right but the link was so insanely long.
what's yours and I'll look for you.

haha nevermind found the link


that should work
come look at my diary and u can take some icons 4 free. check it out lots and leave me a comment please. thanx a million.

yes they do! man I haven't listened to them in so long.
ah what's your name still on there?
on peoples zanga.
yeah I got it in 7th grade...just a mix I think because my friend did it and he's weird so I have no idea but I love them anyway.

haha or something like that.
ok I'll check it out.
whoa there's so many people under that name. I can't find yours.
ooh ok.
that place is way too confusing for me.
yeah I found the message thing and I think I wrote you back but I'm really not sure what the hell I'm doing but I added you

haha for sure.