lyke oh ma gawd!

haha that google thing at the top for advertisements is vagnia pain or blockage? and pick up sweet girls. what in the hell... but GUESS WHAT! I FOUND MY BRACELET THAT RICKY GAVE ME!! YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY IM SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HAPPY!!! my buddy pat hopefully did what i asked her to b/c i was worried about her... mmm hmm!! well in art were doing grid drawing stuff and guess what im drawing!? the used! haha yah... its going pretty well right now... but i only have two columns of boxes done. and that took me like 3 days to do. gawd im so bored. i was just talking to this really ugly 21 yr old guy from madison and he has big man boobies and just gross... i kno he has man boobies cuz he let me c his cam. and he asked me what i thought and im like not bad... but i didnt tell him i threw up a little in my mouth lmao i have sooner or later in my head.. awesome song by breaking benjamin. 10 pts for them. well.. i best b going now... so ill talk to u peeps later and everyone wish their mothers a happy mother's day for me.. HAPPY MUM MUM'S DAY EVERYONE! .::PeAcE::.
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Hey! haha, i effing love ur sound like me, cept i cant draw. lmao..later
thank you, thank you...i love have u been?
hey lucky u that ur having a good day!! I hate My whole house hold!!! I hate them I hate them, I HATE THEM!!!! They can go Burn!!!