camping trip

i went camping this weekend and it was pretty fun actually friday i packed up, and we left around like 3. When we got there all i really did was unpack and just chilled around the camp site. I was tired :( lol and at night, it started pooring and the dog wouldn't go in with my brothers to the tent, and it was just crazy, so then like an hour later vito knocks on the camper to let the dog in... so yea that was my night saturday i didn't get to sleep in because matt knocked on the door to wake everybody up, and i sleep right next to it lol soo... we had breakfast and then i went to take a shower, which are nicer then some campground showers, and i hate public showers, just ew.. anywayz we had to go to phills chicken house for johns mom's birthday, she's like 80 haha so then we went back and we needed ice. So i got to drive to go get it :) first time being on a highway lol, yea i know thats sad. then at night me, my mom, and matt were all walking around the lake right before bed because some people let off fireworks, and as we were walking, my mom saw one of her friends from highschool, and they talked, and she had 2 sons, and one was 16 :) he's alright looking, and he lives only a couple miles away from my house. So then we came back to the camper made smores and went to bed :) sunday yet again didn't get to sleep in. Woke up, breakfast shower. And then i just hung around for awhile. Then my gramma came up, and took my brother paddle boating haha. So i went for a walk around the lake, and saw mark (my mom's friend's son) and we walked around for a bit. Then i had to go eat, and i took a nap :) lol At night we went to see the fire works, you couldn't see them from our site so we went on the end of this platue thing and you could see the whole lake, it was pretty. And the fire works went off from one side, and then other fire works went off on the other side of the lake, and i just layed there and watched the fire works. monday/today woke up early and had to get packing to leave because my brothers were getting picked up by there dad to leave. So yea... Mark rode by on his bike, and gave me his phone number and i gave him mine, so thats cool. Then we came home, and here i am. lol i have to go take a shower since i didn't get to take one this morning. bye :)
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Glad you had a good time:)