grams b-day

went to school and thats always fun, ha yea not! sooo then i sat around home most of the day, i had a good time lol then when my mom came home we went to pick up my brothers. and we went to friendlys to meet my gramma there. We ate and then went to the mall. I love the mall oh so much. I bought a pair of pants and a white polo at hollister, and there was this guy, omgsh so fucking hott. :-) anywayz, then went to mandees and bought a pair of pants. And then got some shoes at journeys. I was pretty happy with my buys, especially since none of it was my money 0:-) tehe well i'm gunna go.. bye ♥
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realllly cute diary
ha. its funny .. even wen i have money to spend and i spent it on stuff i really want .. i hate the feeling afterwards to know that ur broke .. once again. haha. ♥jaCkie