
A N S W E R - T R U T H F U L L Y 1. do you like anyone?: yesss 2. do they know it? uh.. i would hope so 3. simple or complicated? uhhh both I N - T H E - L A S T - M O N T H - H A V E - Y O U 4. had sex: actually no 5. bought something: of course 6. gotten sick?: yea 7. been hugged?: yyyyeaa 8. felt stupid?: haha yea.. like today 9. been to the theatre?: yes 10. missed someone: every day 11. failed a test: haha yea 12. ate cereal: yep 13. danced crazy: yea 14. gotten your hair cut?: nope 15. lied: not really :-/ U N I Q U E 16. nervous habits?: i play with my hair alot 17. Are you double jointed?: no 18. Can you roll your tongue?: yea 19. Can you raise one eyebrow? nope 20. Can you cross your eyes?: yea 21. Do you make your bed daily?: no 22. Do you think you are unique?: uhhh kinda H A V E - Y O U - E V E R 23. said "I love you": yes 24. given money to a homeless person?: nope 26. waited all night for a phone call?: in my life... yes 27. snuck out?: yea 28. sat and looked at the stars?: yyyyyeeeeaaaa :) M A N N E R S 29. do you swear?: yea 30. do you ever spit?: not like guys do 31. you cook your own food?: soemtimes 32. you do your own chores?: yea 33. you like beef jerky?:its ok 34. you like pepsi or coke? pepsi 35. you're happy with your hair?: sometimes 36. you own a dog?: yea... 1 37. you spend your money wisely? haha no! 38. do you like to swim?: i like hanging in the pool 39. when you get bored do you call a friend? yea 40. are you patient?: nope D O - Y O U - P R E F E R 41. flowers or angels?: flowers 42. gray or black?: black 43. color or black and white photos?:depends 44. lust or love?: love 45. sunrise or sunset?: sunset 46. m&ms or skittles? skittles 47. rap or rock?: hmmm depends, i like some of both 48. staying up late or waking up early?: Staying up late 49. being hot or cold? hot 50. Winter or Fall?: fall 51. left or right: right 52. having 10 acquaintances or 2 best friends: 2 best friends 53. sunshine or rain? sunshine 54. vanilla ice cream or chocolate ice cream?: chocolate 55. boys or girls?: boys well that was fun... bye ♥
Read 2 comments
You selfish skank!
You've never given a homeless person money! Damn you to HELL!
Thanks for the survey, it'll help fill up some time for Juvenile Justice class, yeah! Can't wait to see you after school.