first snow of the year

well today was raining in the morning. I took britt to school but tony wan't thre soo, saved me a trip to broadway lol. It rained alll day, and then during 8th it started snowing!!!! omg, i couldn't beleive it. And then 9th it was sticking to the ground and ugh, it sucked lol. I had to clean off my windshield with my hand because i wasn't expecting it to snow this early on in the year. And so after i dropped britt off at home, it started getting really bad towards vestal. And so by the time i got to bing the roads were bad, and everyone was going like 35 or 40 in a 55 highway. It was bad, i've never driven in the snow before and everytime i went over ANY bit of snow/slush my wheel would shake and it sucked!... so then i got to the top of South Washington, and there is this one little steep hill before the nest HUGE hill i had to go up to get home, and this one lady was stuck on it. And so i went to go around her, and then i got stuck!!! when i tried to move forward my car would swerve, and then when i went to move back, my car wouldn't move anywhere. So i just stayed there. And so this van wanted to get threw me and the other car, and the space between was too small for it, so when it tried to stop it started sliding right for my car!!! i was like "Don't HIt my Fucking CAr or i swear to god i will fucking KILL YOU!" well i thought that lol... and he ended up driving in the ditch next to me to get around. I was like you fucking asshole.. and then these 2 guys came out of the house next to me... and they were about my age and was all like, whats going on? and i was like. "omg, its my first time driving in the now, and i'm stuck and idk how i'm gunna get out of here and i have to be to work at 4" and he's like alright, we'll help you out. So these two guys had to push my car out of the road so that it wouldn't slip, and like, it sucked. I ended up getting it on the side of the street, and got out to use the one guys phone. And he let me use his cell and thnk goodness i had my moms work number in my car. And so i was about to cal her not even 5 mins after my car got moved, and this HUGE tree branch broke and landed right where my car was stuck in the middle of the street. All i could think was if i had stayed there any longer i would have been crushed. And so i called my mom an i was freaking out cu i was cold and i didn't know how to get home. And she had me walk home. i was only a few blocks away, but ALL up-hill and in th snow. It sucked. so by the time i got home it was 10 of 4. and i was cold and wet. i called in to work late, and tammy said it was fine and that she understood. And so my gramma came to pick me up and take me to work. I was only 15 mins late. But it still sucked. I had a good time at work actually lol. But then john picked me up from work, and said he got my car and it was safe and all that wich was nice. We had already planned on me getting snow tires but that just made us want them more lol. And also, i'm getting a scraper for my windshiel tomorrow lol. i must say that was quite an experience. I caled my dad to see about some things and he talked to my sister. I was really worried about her because there was this hurricane that was going to hit her area. And it ended up hitting her head on (wich hasn't happend in naples yet since she moved there) and she said it was really scary but there house is ok, no awful damage. And she's oik. i guess she lost all of the trees in her backyard though. wow haha So this entry is really long, but i had alot to say. Wish me luck on my way to school tomorrow nd on my way home because i don't want to walk home again in the snow. Bye ♥
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