THE TWINS WON!!!!!!!!!!!

Feeling: hyper
hey guys!! im hyper but i am really not showing it! is that possible?? i dunno. anywayz...... this weekend i went to the cities and my dad and my cousin michael well and also my uncle kent went too but getting back on the subject.... they went to the twins game saturday night and my cousin kelly aunt gwen and my mom and me went to the mall of america while they were at the game and then we all went over to my aunt and uncles house and partied till like 1ish and then went home and went to bed then we got up on sunday and got ready to go to the twins game at 1pm. oh by the way the twins won Sat. night!!!! We went shopping for a wins shirt for me and and my cousin kelly cause we didn't have a twins shirt. but anywayz the game was fun!! we won that game too, so we won friday saturday and sunday i don't know wabout tonight they are still playing and i don't know the score so ill have to get back to you on that!!!! LOL.... after the twins game on sunday my two cousin and and my rents and i went to the como zoo. it was fun!!! the highlight of the night was the most highlights of all highlights of the night!!!LOL.... getting to it sorry. well we went to the lions well the "big" cats and it's mating season and all and these to lions were sleeping and when we walk by all of a sudden they start yeah... you know "getting it on" it was really sick but it was the highlight of the night. thought to share that with you lol sorry if i grossed you out and all! well then we left this morning(july 4th) and got home about 2 cause we stopped at hardees(spelling??) in coldspring!! that was good i had a double bacon cheeseburger!! it was HUGE!! holy cow, but it was really tastey though!! well that is about it i think!!! so i am going to go and do whatever i want to do before i go to bed cause i am soo hyper!!!!!!!!! hahaha..... luv yas much *Bailie*
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Wow it sounds like u had a BLAST!! LUCKY..LOL. Well that would be soo awesome to go to a zoo! But i think you guyys brought the twins good luck.LOL Well i am glad u r back! Well talk to now cuz we're talking on msn!! HEHE.. *Lindsey*
hey u!! omg sounds like u had a ball on ur trip!! lol golly i wish i could go somewhere fun! lol well luv ya and so glad that u had fun! luv ya tons