what a day!!

Feeling: happy
hey hey!!! well this morning i went and checked on my neighbors dog cause he asked me to do that. well then later today was fun!! my rents and i went to lake andrew and had a picnic!! which was fun... iguess! um... then we went to a gas station and gased up and then got some ice cream! After that we went for a little drive then my dad stopped and pulled over and said "you got your driving gloves with you" (as a joke you know hehe!) umm then i got situated and started driving! that was SAWEET!!!! today i drove 29 miles just about the same route that i went last time! a few different places but i am up for a challenge:P hehe! um.... then we came home and did things around the house again then i came on here and talked to linze!! hehe.... then talked to a few other people for a while and then got off. well i guess i am going to go since this is boring and i have nothing else to write so ttyl love yas byebye!!! ~Bailie~
Read 1 comments
That totally rocked that u got to drive.I would of been scared. But talking to u was totally kick ass!! And your funny when u yell at ppl..(u know who).. Way to stick up for yourself!! peee hehe.Well g2g..TTYL
bye bye