in addition of today!

Feeling: hyper
hey hey!! well in addition to today's entry... i wanted to write that today was fun which i thought was going to be a boring ol' day but it turned out to fantastic!!! haha right kenzie!!! kenzie came over when i was shoveling the deck of and we went to her house and bulit a snow fort! hurray... it so rocks! lol then we made snow angels and made words in the snow!!! that was so fun! haha um.. can't wait for tomorrow!! lol parta!! oh guess what i heard! miriah bought silly string!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!! can't wait to see what else she is bringing! YEA!!!!! umm... well i have to get off cause yea my mom is making me! it's 10:47pm so ttyl byebye oh yea and HAPPY NEW YEARS TO EVERYONE!!! have a good one!! woohoo go 2006!!!!! lmao!! sorry im hyper off the 5 kool-aids i had today! hehe ttyl byebye love always, Bailie
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lol!! that was soo aweosme RAWR!! lol!!! haha yea that snow fort soo rocked! lol i gotta go thou:P luv ya