the grudge 2

Listening to: none
Feeling: starving
okay okay, sorry i know im late. i just now found out they're making a THE GRUDGE 2. supposed to come out next year, still set in japan, still dont know if sarah michelle's coming back for it. but what? who has seen that movie? how is it supposed to work with the kind of ending it had? well wait, i dont remember it very well now, i've only seen it twice. time for me to watch it again!! i need a job. im supposed to go job hunting later on today (its 12:28 am) but maybe i'll watch rings with my cousin before i hafta go give back to ashley (THANKS ASHLEY!) cuz my cuzin's gunna see the ring 2 sometime soon. so yeah. i wanna go too. but i have no money. but hey its all gravy right? uhh yeah, so they have sadako condoms. lol. (sadako= japanese samara). im finished for now, i'll edit later.
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IM me and i'll give it to you
yeaaa. oh mann when she came out the TV in the first one i was FLIPPIN oUT like crazy. it was just scary! lmao.

i havent seen the second one yet
but i dunno if i am
cuz like all my friends told me it was gay
so im like ehhhh, dun wanna see it so much now

well ttyl
i'd put up with a couple of stink assholes for 7 an hour, that's pretty good money