The End?

Let's just say that confused is not all I'm feeling. [Kristoff]: ** he turns and walks over to Cy** So. Anything new going on tonight? [Cylika]: (Cylika snapped her notebook shut at the sound of his voice.) Nothing new... tonight. [Kristoff]: ** He smiled** Well i have come to an understanding. And i think it will benifet the both of us.. [Cylika]: Oh? (she looked up at him, mildly surprised. She slipped the notebook under her so she sat on it and place the pencil on her ear.) [Kristoff]: Yes.. I have come to think that i really dont like this whole us fighting thing..Its stupid. Yes i understand that i really have not been the greatest of people to be around, but im doin gmy best to change all of that.. [Cylika]: (She blinked, slowly.) I wasn't aware that we were fighting... [Kristoff]: ** He smiled** Well its the sutble things that get to us.. And you know what im talking about...But i want all of everything that has gone on between us in the past to stay there..From this day on i want us to start over, clean slate. [Cylika]: Ummm.... (She stood, grabbing her notebook in the process. Wrapping her arms around her, with the notebook pressed against her stomache and chest, she moved to a couch.) Everything? [Kristoff]: ** He followed her** Well...All of the bad and not so good times..There was good in there, and that’s what i want to focas on. [Cylika]: (Again she blinked slowly. And tried to think of one time that was all "good.") And your definetion of good would be...? [Kristoff]: ** He laughed** Well us kissing..I would say that was good..Um..Us being all flirty.We have had good times...Yes very few..but they were there.. [Cylika]: (She was quiet for a moment or two.) Well... then... perhaps I should tell you.... (She shook her head, fingering her notebook.) [Kristoff]: ** He stoped her** No...Dont say anything...Im sorry for what i have done wrong to you Cylika.. Im trully sorry..I wish i could take everything bad i did back.But i cant. The only thing i can do is become a better person..You make me what to be a better person.** He reaches into his pocket** And all i can do is do everything in my power to make better the wrongs i have done..and this is one of them. ** He gets on one knee and pulls out a small box, he opens it to reveal a 20 caret diamond ring** Cylika...Will you marry me? [Cylika]: (She fell back against the couch, shock all over her face. Her mouth hung open slightly.) Um... what? She asked, simply because nothing else was coming to mind. At least she hadn't yelled it.) [Kristoff]: ** He smiled big** Cylika. I have fallen in love with you since the first day i talked to you. I felt so bad for what you were going through. Ang like a said. You make me want to be better in life. Not be such a prick.I love you, and i would be honored if you married me. [Cylika]: (Her mind jumped to him, in the alley, when she had thought he was there to kill her. And the crazy wolf man. Who, thankfully, she hadn't seen since. And Vincent.... Her mind stopped ticking for a moment, the angel's emotions flooding her mind. She blinked and focused back on Kris's face.) But why? (she asked, still not really able to think of anything but simple questions.) [Kristoff]: ** He smiled again** Because i love you Cy. And i want you to spend the rest of your life with me. And i want to spend the rest of mine with you. [Cylika]: But your life is forever (she stated dumbly) [Kristoff]: ** He smiled** Not neccesarrally(sp) It does not have to be. [Cylika]: (She just did her slow blink again, fully not understanding what he was saying.) [Kristoff]: ** He moved in closer to her** All i know is that when im around you, all i know is happy. And i would want nothing more in this world then to spend it with you. [Cylika]: (She stood, clutching her notebook closer to her.) Kris.... (she said softly. Then she turned and moved all the way across the room. Distance.... harder for emotions to get to her.) I... (She sighed) No (she whispered.) [Kristoff]: ** He followed her and stood right behind her, he went to put his hands on her shoulder** Cylika..I have no other way of putting it.. I want to us to be married. I can make your life so much better. You could be so much more happy. You would not have to worry about a thing. [Cylika]: (She shrugged his touch off, spinning so he wasn't behind her. She took a few steps back, bumping into someone, but not caring to see who.) But that's just it! (she said, finally in control of herself again.) I don't need you to make my life better. I don't want you to. [Cylika]: I WANT to be able to worry about things. I want to make mistakes.... I want everything i get because I EARNED it, not because somebody gave it to me. (She paused.) You say that you love me, but you don't understand me. Not if you haven't realized these things already. [Kristoff]: ** He reaches to help her up and then follows cylika** But my dear...It is so much more then that..It really is...It is so much more..I love you..Its that simple. And i really believe are lives would prosper.. And you know there is so much you can still do on your own..I have no problem with that.. [Cylika]: Stop doing that [Kristoff]: Stop doing what? Stop caring..Ohh just give up on Cylika..No one should care for her..How dare i care for you.Well guess what..I care..and that is something you have to come to understand..That is is ok for someone to give a shit about you. [Cylika]: No (she shook her head, still walking backwards, away from him. She was starting to circle about the room.) Stop following me [Kristoff]: ** He uses some of his speed and moves to stand infront of her path** I will not stop caring...Not matter what you say or do. I love you..And that is not a crime Cylika. [Cylika]: Stop! (she said, moving away from him. There was a small trace of fear in her voice that had been absent for so long now) [Kristoff]: ** He just stood there.** Ok...As you wish. ** He turns and walks out of the manor, a tear drop left behind on the floor in his path. He heads around the back of the manor and climbs up it to the roof to be alone** [Cylika]: (She shook her head. No. Everything wasn't ok. She sighed. And stormed out of the manor.) GODS (she screamed up at him.) I DIDN'T SAY LEAVE! I SAID STOP FOLLOWING ME! [Cylika]: (then realizing what she had done, her eyes grew big. She dropped her eyes instantly and started down the road, in a run.) [Kristoff]: ** He walks over to the edge and looks down at her** I did not leave, im right here** before he could get in his last word she was gone down the road, he could catch up to her easyaly if he really wanted to, but he did not.** [Cylika]: (Cylika stopped after only a mintue or two of running. She had yelled. SHE had yellled! YELLED! She sank heavily to the ground, her back falling and head hitting the cobble stone stree, hard.) [Kristoff]: ** He could see her the whole time as she ran, and when she hit the ground he was on the ground and running after her faster then a taxi in new york.** [Cylika]: (She was still clutching her notebook to her chest as she rolled over and vomitted. When everything in her stomach was gone and all she was left with was the stench, taste, and burning emotions, she rolled herself back over on to her back. Where she, to her slightly peverted amusement, saw Kris running towards her. She began to struggle to sit up.) [Kristoff]: ** he was up to her in no time** Cylika...Are you ok dear??? ** a look of shock on his face** [Cylika]: (She nodded, once up, once down. She decided sitting up was a little too much for her. so she laid back down.) Just give me a few moments. [Kristoff]: ** He looked at her and was still kinda shocked** Do you need a hospital? [Cylika]: No. Don't be obsured. (She blinked slowly. She rolled over onto her hands and knees, slowly starting to crawl to the manor. Don't be obsured????? THAT wasn't something she would say. Ever! Especially to a vampire.) [Kristoff]: ** He went to put his hands under her to help her to her feet** Im not. You hit your head really hard. You could be hurt. [Cylika]: (She waved a hand.) Honestly! The things you say! (She giggled. And then did her slow blink. She paused her movements) I'm sorry did i just giggle? [Kristoff]: ** He nods** Yea.. you just giggled. And you just did alot of things you never do..Hence as to why i would say that perhaps you need to be at a hospital. [Cylika]: Nooooooo. Hospital bad idea. (She looked at him.) Ok take about five steps away from me, please. [Kristoff]: ** He took the number of steps** [Cylika]: (She breathed deeply and let it out quickly. She nodded. And moved towards the manor.) Come, come now. Just keep your distance.... please... [Kristoff]: ** He stayed back a few feet from her while they walked back to the manor** [Cylika]: (This was part of what she had wanted to talk about tonight... with him... before... before he'd pulled his little stunt. Deep breaths, she told herself. You've gotten through this before. Just do it again.) [Cylika]: (Cylika walked into the house, up the grand stairs, to the back of the second floor, up those stairs, and down the hall to the left. She slipped into the room at the end.) [Kristoff]: ** He let her walk into the room first and took his time getting in..He said nothing the whole time** [Cylika]: (She sunk on to the bed. She watched him with half closed eyes.) Are you mad? (she finally asked. That she had to ask.... just showed how screwed up she was right now.) [Kristoff]: ** He shock his head** not mad.. [Cylika]: (She rubbed her eyes and continued to watch him, letting silence fall on them. She had many things to say. Thing she should have said before. Things she didn't know how to say, or even where to begin. But there were things that he should say to. Not the she thought he knew this. But there were still... words that both of them needed to say. The only thing now... was who would start.) [Kristoff]: ** he does not know what to say, or how to say anything if he did...he is not sure were he should go with this..** [Cylika]: (She cocked her head, her blue eyes stilled glued on him. "Ok..." she thought. "come out with a bang.") I'm thinking of leaving the Manor. Not ever coming back. (there, she had said it. the thing she was going to stay before... before That had happened.) [Kristoff]: ** If it were even possable for him to turn more pail..he for sures would have then..** May i ask why? [Cylika]: (She sighed. They were in for a long night. "Make it simple," the words of Nalok floated into her mind. Simple. She could do simple.) I'm loosing control. [Kristoff]: ** He nods** Ok...And what is makeing you loose control? [Cylika]: (She opened her mouth to answer. Then closed it. She didn't know. Not really. She only knew it had started in Paris... with him... and then had followed her here when she had found the manor. She shrugged, still watching him carefully.) [Kristoff]: ** He nods** Well..If that is what you must do.. I have to respect that..If you must, you must. [Cylika]: (She nodded once. He's response had sealed it. Well, actually all he'd done tonight had... but he'd done it just one last time. And that had made her already made-up realize it already knew what she was going to do. ((um... twisted sentece))) Then this is goodbye... [Kristoff]: ** He nods, a small tear falls from his right eye, the only eye that cryed** Then it is goodbye.. [Cylika]: (She nodded again. She went over to him, kissed him lightly on the lips, and left the room. Still clutching her notebook to her chest she made her way, quickly, to the main room.)
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omg this real?! either held my attention! kathy
I'm sorry!! I've been...I don't really..know where I am right now...but when I figure it out I'll tell you...Anyhow, yes, I'll be coming in to play in SM sporadically, as it may be, but I'll be there.