Hate Him

Um... can you say asshole? I hate my brother so fucking much! I mean god, ever hear of thinking about others? innocent till proven guilty? LISTENING TO PEOPLE???? So here's what happened. He has FORCED me to ride the bus, which drops me off a mile and a quater from my house. Now in hopes of not getting in trouble with my parents he will then pick me up and drive me home. And each day I offer to walk home, because personally I like the walk and I hate to inconvience anyone... even if it's the asshole of a brother I'm foced to get along with. My friend, No-no (who lives three houses four driveways down the street... from the SAME direction we come from), was waiting with me for my brother. I call him when we get to the stop and I have accidently forgotten my cell phone... no biggy cause No-no has one. So I call the house like three times... no answer... I call his cell and he FINALLY answers. I tell him I'm at the stop and ask if he wants to pick me up or should I walk home. He responds, "Where's your phone?" "Well, I apparently forgot it." "You APPARENTLY forgot it? What does that mean? DO you HAVE it?" "No. I FORGOT it." Then he says he'll be there in a few minutes. And No-no waits with me, mostly to keep my company, but if he is so willing to give her a ride since it's DIRECTLY on our way. He gets there and I ask him, "Can No-no get a ride? Cause it's okay if not. She doesn't mind walking home." Except of course I used her real name. And he says "Fine," in a rather pissed off voice. So we drive home in silence, drop of No-no, and then as soon as No-no gets out of the car, in this rather loud and completely acusing voice he asks, "Did you eat my Digorno pizza?" I, rather confused, ask him back, "Was it cheese stuffed?" Because last night, when he wasn't home, my mom was making dinner. And she was going to make ham sandwiches, which I'm really tired of eating. So my mom made my a pizza. I was in a DIFFERENT room at the time. NEVER saw the box. "Yeah." "Oh, yeah, I did," I respond. "Why the HELL did you do that? It said 'Do not eat on it.' Do you just not care about other people?" he starts screaming. Calmly I told him that I hadn't seen the box, that mom had made it. And he just continues screaming that I'm a bitch because i ate is pizza. then as we pull into the driveway he says, "You the most inconciderate person in the world." And I, getting pissed off now, ask him, "I'm not conciderate because I didn't SEE a box?" "No! Because you just ASUME i'll pick you up. And drive Noelle home!" which had NOTHING to do with the arguement in the first place. So fuck that. Asshole. I mean honestly. He calls ME inconciderate when he's the one that fucking deleting EVERY music file on MY computer?? And still hasn't appologized??? Fuck this. edit: saw the box... nothing on it!!!!
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Ah, i know that.

Guys. Are. Assholes.
In one way, or another, anyway.


Well, looks to me like someone is pissy cuz he ain't getting some. Word of advice to him, there are more important things than that in life, and...if he wants it so bad, he can just fuck himself. *smirks mightly* Seriously though, he should learn to grow up and be the brother he's SUPPOSE to be. If he's not careful, karma's gonna come back and kick him right in the nuts one of these days. Lots of huggles to you hon, and just be strong.