Stupid People

You know what I really hate? Stupid people. granted I know that sounds really... well whatever it sounds like. But honestly, they're soooo annoying. Especially when they act like they know what they're talking about. Cause then they start talking, and they have no idea what they're talking about and they make no sense so then you're all confused and they think they're smarter than you because you can't think of a response. People should just not talk about things they no nothing about. Like I know NOTHING about cars... thus I don't talk about them like I do. Really stupid people should just learn that talking makes them look like asses rather than smart. I really hate stupid people when they start talking about life and world threatening political ideas and they forget that there's consequences. Take immigration into the USA for example. Yes, we are all decendants of immigrants. And yes, we should help those who are in terrible postions in their homeland. And no our boarder shouldn't be closed. But hello? There has to be control. If there's not control on how many immigrants, illegal or legal, we're not going to have any place to put them!!! THERE WOULD BE NOT LAND LEFT TO SETTLE ON!!!!!!!!!! GOD! Done now
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