good day

Listening to: yellowcard
Feeling: angelic
haha is that mood possible? not for me;) anyway today did suck as bad as they usually do:P the only things that were bad about it were drivers training (i hate that class) algerba and that Kristin felt like she was goona die she tired all the time we kinda think she might have mono but hey we're no doctors and now im all parinoid about it:P i had an orthadontist appointment and i only have to wear my retainers at night now!!! :D yeah finally everything is done :D the best part of the day was german (shocking i kno) jeremy u kill me w/ all the stuff u come up with ur great in more ways than one;):P J/K and Kristin u really were not helping encouragement NOT GOOD!! hmm that sounds familiar oh yeah i remember when boner was hitting on u on the ski bus:P i want to go skiing all the snow melted :'( but on the bright side its getting closer :D thast about all for now Kristin i can't wait till this weekend!!
Read 6 comments
LOL, just to clarify, I mean Im sure Michelle already did and all but...

Jeremy, it was Jehial Boner... not A boner... dear lord kid :D
A boner was hitting you????whats that mean??? Hahaha German...Good times, especially with Treggs Camera/Camcorder
Did you have the bring up the Boner thing?


Just kidding!

Love you loads
I wil leave you yet another comment.

Because I want to.

a boner? god jeremy YOU'RE SUCH A FREAK =P