First Ski Trip

Feeling: narcissistic
Hahahahahahahahahaha! Okay, so this is Kristin not Michelle. Seeing how Michelle tends to not update for ages I am going to update you on the first ski trip with the ski club of the season whcih took place last night. We ended up sitting in lifts 75&128. Both of which creepy stalker/rapists people sat in. I lectured Michelle on penodwarfism. The disease, the lack of a cure, the complications, and the cause. I thought she was going to fall off the lift she was laughing so hard. She almost choked on a french fry. We both got a good laugh out of that one. Umm we had some awesome runs! Hit some great jumps on some of the trails... The bus ride home was eventful -mini bottle wars -McDonalds from the Bronx -Carly laying on the floor -Stealing the head rest hmm... so tomorrow is the Windham trip. It is bound to be an amazing time, they have a foot of fresh new powder! :D Michelle, hope you liked the update :P ********************************************** edit: hey this is chelle glad Kristin keeps up on my current events:P well dont kno what else to add Kristin has all of it covered:P on the bus ride Andy licking his wax *fatal is swallowed* and him saying that my hair was shiny and that my pj pants weren't glowing in the dark (cause they're not supposed to) and the classic "how would u feel if u were pissed off?" ummm...pissed off? just a guess:P oh i almost forgot "On this edition of penodwafism with Kristin" then her mess up "On this editon of talk sex w/ Kristin" lmao that was hilarious u could talk over for Sue:D Windham will be awesome we'll see if they have rude soup ppl again or really chicken popcorn things:P plus the fresh powder they got awesome skiing conditions thats all for this edit:P peace
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