Phantom of the opera!

Me. Beth, and Lisa all went and seen PHANTOM OF THE OPERA! The movie. Its was so good, I cried. I NEVER CRY OVER MOVIES, BUT THIS ONE WAS JUST DAMN GOOD! I had a very eventful weekend, if you see me in school I will probably tell you about it.
Read 7 comments

thank you, and look! i had to change it because my diary name is i had to make it all up?!!

he i'm seeing that tonight! we need to hang out during spring break! call me when you're not busy! i'm probably going to be home a lot!
that was just one kick ass day! phantom of the opera was great and so was the double take and oh we cant forget NICK! lol haha
hey ash
i heart u!!
anyways, if u could give me a call i could really use someone 2 talk 2. maybe we could do something this break?
c u l8ter.
Hey This is Emily Quinlan what ashley is this and how are you if you know me because I dont mean to sound just trying to build up my list thats all

I'm alright, not too bad.. :+ lol, weord face i know!

I freaking loved that movie!