JC wins games.

Listening to: Laffy Taffy- d4L
Feeling: whatever
i havent writing in a while, but my birthday was good. We went out to dinner, and i got home and opened presents and ziggy called and asked if i was ready and i said no so like 3min. later Kyle called and was like yoo were outside. haha assholes. They took me to Lanes and we got a few bottles and got drunk with them and then went to tavias, where everybody was. Mike had to take Beth home so i went with them and played with his gun ahha.Mike brought me backk and idk i spent the night at kyles. I didnt drink again till sunday we got bottles and 40's but the cops got called and oh man. I dont know what happened during the week, im failing 3 classes but it was a 4 day week so sweet ass. Thursday night we went to a few diffrent parties..hahah they were real nice :) I was pretty damn drunk so people were like danika lets go buy beer im like yeah yeah ok, and go to get up and fall back down so they carried me. UGH then fucking..were upstairs and these 2 girls come up to kyle and are like yo theres some girl looking for you upstairs, he looks at me and im just staring at him and hes like i think its Keri come with me..so i walk outside with him and that stupid fucking cunt is there, yeah she fallowed Kyle there? i dont even wanna get into it..so i was kyles buddy, his drinking buddy all night as he called me..but thats just complicated. Idk i was hyped up cause Corey let me have some of his shit..and at like 3, me and kyle got taken to his house and the fucking cops wouldnt leave the car alone..when we were in the car i saw them twice and then we got outta the car and walked up kyles driveway and kyle had to piss on his housee so the cop circled twice more during that..ahh i hung out with ashley the next day till like 10 and i had comp. the next day at 6am so i went home, and we won CNY ..first place again babyyyy. we got back to the school at like 8:30 and Tee drove me home and i got ready and Cindy picked me up at 10 and we went to some party and played liqour pong..cause thats high class. They took me home at like 3:30am and i slept till 6pm and woke up with phone numbers on me? yeah ahha idk..didnt go to school today, cause im way to cool..
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hahah i loveee you;)