Stupid fuck

Listening to: My cat snoring
Feeling: clueless
My dumb ass uncle bought a motorcycle that he should not have I doesn’t spend time with his kids now. I guess he would rather spend time with his bike them his family. I think my aunt should have gotten rid of him years ago I know he cheats on her but she doesn’t listen. God I can't stand the guy but fuck him if he is that stupid to want a bike more then his own kids. _____________________________________________ Okay my mom just told me he said he is going to spend time with his son (sure) but what about his daughter. I guess she doesn't matter, I guess she should feel unloved by her dad. What the fuck kind of dad lets his kid boy or girl feel that way. Amber Vampire
Your connection with darkness is through your
interest in vampires. Theese occult beings
fascinates you. Their lives are just something
you would kill for, and if you would have the
opportunity to be sired, you would. Living a
mortal kind of life is just so ordinary and
boring. You aren't necessarly evil just because
of this interest/obsession, you just can
connect with them and their lifestyles. Though
people have a hard time understanding this and
chances are you're a social outcast. Perhaps
you hate your life and therefor developed this
interest, to escape reality.

What is your connection with darkness? (pics)
brought to you by Quizilla
Read 11 comments
My nose will b fine thank you =)
the uncle sounds really rather sucky
yeah, i dont really cut like i used to either. i stopped for a little over a month, but now everythings kinda hitting me at kinda sucks.

that whole thing with your uncle is kind of strange... he'd rather have a bike then his kids? thats messed up man. and that must really suck for the kids :(

thanks for the support, it means alot to me. if you ever need to talk about anything, im here too.
haha. i c u hate nsync??

well that sounds pleasant. well i'm back! it was interesting... kickass quiz pic thing
which friend are you talking about? The one with the dead cat? Yeah, well she already does. I did for 4 years...and it has been a month since my last cut.

see ya.
aww, well I am glad it has been 3 months, B4 my last time, it had been about, I tend to go for a while then start back up...but ehh, I am trying to not get back into...and yes, here is 2 us ::holds up a cup::


See ya.
haha, a powerade bottle? YES! THAT WAS AWESOME!! lol, yeah, that is how I am. I go, stop, go, stop, lol. Hope neither of us go baq

haha, yeah, powerade is the shit!

ahhhhhh yeah TONS OF FUN! YAY FOR OLD MEN!!! thanks i hope my foot feels better too. So what have you been up to? I'm eating kickass lucky charms!! love ya

I have 6, ones a tiger and 5 have to do with my girlfriend then I have another one which i'll put as my header pic soon.
haha yeah i guess. except now i'm not eating... i just had some fun stuff happen.. i'll write about it later tho... well yeah.. so whats new goin on wtih you?