
Listening to: none.
Feeling: heartbroken
So basically. That was awful. You said you wouldn't hurt me, you did. Then you admitted you did, which is actually bullshit, because you really said you wouldn't and that you didn't want to. If you lost your feelings for me it would have been easier to just say it rather than turn into a game and string me along. Because that hurts more than anything. When you tell my best friend that everytime you seen me your heart drops and you kiss me and say that you'd never wana hurt me, then you do and say that you don't have any feelings, it'd be cooler if you just let that out. Hm you DID have feelings for me..neat.. so why string me along forever. Ahh .. I know your going to read this and I don't care. All you should know is not to fuck around with my heart.. Karma is a bitch and I definatly can be to. I don't even know what to say to you. Other than you gave me butterflies before. I adored you..and you made me smile. Then you dropped me. Thanx a million bebe. Ahh that bit the big one. Andrew says "ditching isn't cool especially when your ditching Kelli".. I luff him and he made me smile.. and I have Sarah.. so fuck you, because I don't need boys.. I need good friends.. I don't need someone who I'm willing to make a priority and their only going to make me an option. So please don't call when your plans don't follow through, because I won't be there waiting. I'd have wasted some time on you.. if you'd have been willing to waste a little on me.. I won't forget the sweet things.. that made me get butterflies. I won't forget it. Because it was a good chunk of life. But I hate that I got hurt.. and nothing will make me forget that. To those of you who thought that shit falls out because I don't wait and I rush into shit.. I waited to long.. so fuck you and your ideas of why stuff doesn't work it just doesnt okay?! Byee. Princess.
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