Dear Dad.

Feeling: faded
Dear Dad, I can't even talk to you anymore. If I say something I'm in shit, but if I don't say anything, I'm still in shit. I try and I try, not to fight with you and to get along and to keep my mouth shut.But you can't even stay out of my stuff. I get pissed off and thats an okay to go through my purse. A pipe is a pipe, your so stuck in the80's that if its glass, it means I'm on crack. The pipe has been used one time, there's barely any res in it for it to have a scent. You obviously don't know maryjane and hash as well as you think. You think you know me so well, buuut I'm not the skinniest kid ever dad, in fact I'm no where near it.I'm not a sketchcase, I've NEVER done crack! Regardless of what you think.I just think that you'd know me better than this. I used to tell you everything, And yes I've stopped, because I lost faith in you, when you lost faith in me. I'm not a bad kid Dad, and until you realize it, until you stop being scared, Of what I could be, you'll never know me and you'll never trust me. Have a little faith and confidence in yourself. You're a great Dad, how many people have to tell you that, Before you get it through your head. I love you no matter what. But I can't take this "lack" of privacy. Kid's go through phases. Stop being silly, and put one and two together. Learning about drugs in like grade 8, probably had the biggest effect on me ever. Watching you and mom fall apart, because of your chronic pot smoking, and Mom's addiction, To crystal meth, I think is enough to turn me off of being a drug user. I'm not an immature little kid, or an immature 16 year old for that matter. I'm young and smart. Not young and stupid. You think, you'd know that. Mom says your scared. Mom is scared of losing you. You're all scared. Scared of what Dad? Life .. this is life, you have to stick it out, Pick your battles, don't go snooping until theres a serious change in me. Until theres something different. Not everytime I get mad. That is not right, that is the wrongest reason to go through my stuff.It's an excuse, not a reason. You've made it a habit and you love proving, That somewhere along the way you "fucked up". When really you didn't so stop trying to convince yourself that you did. I know in my heart what I am. And I'm sick of proving how good of a parent you are. You should fucking know it by now. I'm also sick of proving myself. This is life, I guess I'm taking the hard road. If that means being on my own, Then so be it. I'll prove to you, that I'm better than what you expect.You might think I can do anything, but you don't believe I can. No matter how many times you say it. Go ahead, keep insulting me.I'm not letting you or anyone bring me down. I know what I want to do and who I want to be. You aren't going to stop me.Instead of focusing on how you fucked me up.Focus on how great you are, and how great you made me, us. You are the best daddy in the whole whole universe to infinity and beyond. Don't forget it. Could a crackhead write all this? Could I ever let you read this? No to both. Love Kelli-Lee
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