Spring is in the air!

Listening to: Buddy Holly-Weezer
Feeling: pmsy
It's starting to get warmer out. I'm so glad. I hate winter. This week has been really awesome actually. I went to the girl's basketball game with Ashley and Chrissy last night. We lost the play offs by two points. It was so sad, but we're a guaranteed tie. Those poor girls, they should have won. Christian rode me to school today. I was waiting at the bus stop and she went by in her car and picked me up. Her dad was like, "Why don't you catch the bus there?" and she's like, "The bus driver goes past them, they usually have to walk to school, right Emily?" And I'm like, "Yeah, we just stand there every day just in case." We watched Finding Nemo in English. I *heart* that movie. I will call you squishy and you will be mine and you will be my squishy

You Are Spring!

Hopeful Playful Sweet Fresh Airy

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Read 14 comments
HEY EM, awesome diary! its warmer here too. springah!
That's so good. I was singing that terrible song too. But now, my voice is completely gone. I can't even make a sound and it's driving me crazy. It's going on two days of silent-me. Ah! lol

I'm a junior. So i still have some time before college. But they keep sending me those damn emails too. Are you thinking about college at all yet?

The beatles. Heck yes!
thanks! you missed one sweet party though. Are you feeling better?

wow...eleanor rigby, perks of being a wallflower, weezer, good riddance...those are some of my favorite things!

and now i dont feeeeeeel so baaad...
idk. its something fur support money cus theyre divorced.
lovely background
Yeah I liked it, I found it on some girl's diary so I reposted it.
shut up...i left it there when i had to set my stuff down to grab somethign and i never picked that back up. -steph
Well I listened to the song that is not as good as the one I am singing and I like it lots. I hope whatever you are 'no'ing about gets better.
the beatles are awesome =)
thank you and your welcome
whats your favorite beatles song?

for me, fool on the hill... without a doubt. im in love with that song.
i was wondering if i could use your background for my xanga journal. if not thats fine i understand
Ah did you watch the halftime show by any chance? Paul performed Hey jude and a few other awesome-o songs. I was super excited. It's the closest we'll ever get to seeing the Beatles live. Damn i wish we came from an earlier generation. We missed all the cool stuff.