A Day With My Sarah

Feeling: excited
it's like 1O in the mornin' and i'm gettin' ready to go shoppin' with my favorite.. SARAH.. duhh! i'm not going to PC til Wednesday.. if we even go anymore! but oh well.. it's gona be hotter here than there anyways 'cause it's cold down there! Jason leaves today =( and is gona be gone for a whole daggum week! same with Meg and everyone else who is leavin'! well i most definitely failed that spanish test yesterday.. and our math one.. but who cares?? well imma finish gettin' ready!! havva great day! now it's like 7:3O and today was awesome!! i got soo much summer stuff that i've needed for awhile!! and spendin' all day with my sarah was fabulous!! i loooveee her!! and now i'm watchin' the GT game with my bro!! GO GT!! :D byeeee
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