Never Been SO Bored b4

Feeling: blah
omg i'm so unbelievably bored!! there is NOTHIN' to do.. but anyways--yesterday was great with SARAH!! we shopped for about 6 hours! i got tonnns of stuff!! then i came home and watched the final four games! GT WON!! and then UCONN beat DUKE.. can't wait for that Championship Game when GT stomps all over UCONN.. well today i got up and called Kev to wake him up for work.. then we went to church and for lunch; me and my bro went to go eat with my dad at Gondalier (sp?) by Galyan's.. that's always fun.. not. lOl then i came home and i've been laying in my bed out of boredom since 2 because there is NOTHIN' to do.. so yeahh.. i'll write more if something actually happens around here!!
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