Coke Classic---

Feeling: accomplished
we won our first coke classic* game 22 to 5 against sandy plains. our game was supposed to be at 8:45 so me nd alexia got there at like 7:3O and we definitely did not play till 9:45.. so i didn't get home till about 11:3O so i'm really tired.. but happy we won! and we're playing again tonight at 8:45 [[hopefully it'll start on time]] and we better win because if not then we have to play every night for the rest of the week and i don't want that 'cause i gota start studying for finals! soo yehh.. i didn't make allstars but i don't really care! just makes my summer that much more fun! :D good luck to everyone who made it! kay well i gotta go do my hair! havva great day everybody.. katie* alexia* emma* ya'll are histerical. always got me laughing.. ya'll are the best ladies.
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hmm i hate when things dont go on time. its annoying.
[ C o N G r A t U l A T i O n S ]

X3 - kt