Too Much Homework >:O

Listening to: Echo // Trapt
Feeling: overworked
too much gosh dern homework these days. anywho. today of course i got more projects to do.. and i gotta start studying for finals because i'm dumb. and yeah i have softball every night this week but it's cool, and an excuse not to study. yayuhhh. :D well i havva game tonight at 8:45 again and it better be on time! EOCT testing is now over for me.. thank god. soo boring. i took me a nap in computer apps. because i was so god dang tired all day because i didn't go to sleep till like 12. but anywho.. math was math. came home and definitely couldn't get my garage door open for like 9 tries.. i felt so retarded just standing at my garage door soo.. helpless. but it worked.. finally. haha well i just got done with algebra homework.. now i gotta do lit. nd spanish! later days ya'll. [[jesse moment]] =D
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yup..i really do think one of these days i am gonna die of a home-work overdose