
Listening to: leave // jojo
Feeling: amazing
last night i went nd saw Van Helsing* with Michael and i must say that was the most retarded movie i've seen ina while. maybe because i didn't understand the whole dracula, frankenstein thing. but Michael did so it's cool. there were some loud ass people in that theatre that were really bugging me though. then i went home talked on the phone then went to sleep! then i got woken up by my mom's fiance this morning.. gerr. but i needed to get up anyways. then Michael came nd got me after his basketball practice and i went over to his house all day. we watched My Big Fat Greek Wedding which i must say was another retarded movie. then watched Angels in the Outfield which is a FABULOUS movie! only the old movies are any good these days! lol then i hadda go home 'cause today is Michael's parents anniversary so it was a family thing! lol so yeah i guess imma just chyll here tonight because my mom is mad i've been "gone the whole summer" not that she's ever home before midnight anyways?! and i got dogs and cats all over the neighborhood to take care of for the people who are having a blast in las vegas and the beach and stuff! byee! CaLiGuRL3316: i gtg love u soo much ^ i miss nd love callie soo much! :D
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