steamy hot....

...sweat. i broke fever last night and was drenched. dude, i have been sick so i stayed here, at my grandmas house, for the night and didnt go to school today. my throat is killing me and i have a huge headache. yet i still managed to sleep light enough to wake myself up about 3 and call conrad to... talk to him. and tell him good morning. i spent my lovely day in bed, coughing. then when i woke up that morning i called him because he is sick too and stayed home as well. i think the more i tell him to come here the more he will be motivated to do it. so it will be about april when i get that wish to come true. he was thinking of my birthday, but i will be with family so that wont work. then i just got off the phone with him right now. we had two great conversations in one day. hahaha. well anyway. im going to call marissa and ask her to pick up some work that i have due tomorrow since im staying home again. and i need to get those stamps. **reminder** i went to the doctor and he gave me medicine. baah. ahh well. tyler said he hopes i feel better. how nice. and this lady and my mom want me to meet this guy who just moved here... uh, no thanks. but i have to. it'll be one more new friend. so thats cool. i suppose. so im going to bed. early. very early.
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Get better soon...;)

Hey, I hope you feel better. We haven't talked in a while. I hope you see Conrad soon. I might get with Alex but he also likes some other girl. But she has a boyfriend, so he light try to get over her and try with me. I hope it works. I really do care about him. Well, I hope you have a better day! Feel Better!

~ Joni ~