* First Time *

Okay like everyday in life, there is a First Time for EVERYTHING. Lmao well yesterday after seeing that bold and beautiful baby boy for 2 hours.. I went over to John's. My brother drove me after I went bumming with him for a while. Well we hungout and grilled sum cheeseburgers, hotdogs and brats! Mhmm.. lol. I wasnt really hungry koz i had just eatin McDonalds. But im HUNGRY RIGHT NOW!! lmao.. But anyways yea the sunlight was bright and it was really nice.. and when the sun went down we went crazy! lol Johns ma and dad went to Potowanamii.. lmao.. And then it was me, Tami, John, David Kevin, Jennifer, Chris, Jenny, and Jen. It was soo funny but FUNNY! lol and their neighbor was over too.. not the cop lady, koz shes a whore! And such a bitch too.. gawsh! but yea anyways we were all around the fire and stuff.. Finally Chris, Tami and Jennifer all told me to drink this big glass of wine because like 3 people didnt want it.. So i was like, "okay why not" Ughhh it was soo yummy!! Then Tami went inside and shes in love with the wine too.. so chris and david and everyone told me to drink the rest of tami's bottle.. lmao and david drink her glass.. and she was laughing her ass off when she came back outt.. and yea that was just the start of my night i guess.. lmao at like 7 o clock.. yea i ended up drinking with them until like 11pm.. and yea on a school night like i am A FUCKIN IDIOT!! I got wasted off my ass and ive never been drunk before that.. I could barely walk and John was sober so he was trying to help me and slow me down but when he would walk inside Tony would be handing me some more to drink and shit.. I know how much is enough i was just fuckin around.. you know.. dood john would walk away from me and i would flip out and shit id be ready to cry koz he'd run inside to get some water for me instead of me drinkin or something.. and i would be like "OMG HE LEFT ME!! Tony john just left meeeeee!" and i would crack up and shit... It was fuckin nuts!! Tony thought i was weird i bet.. i bet they all did!! THATS THE FIRST TIME EVER!!! And omggg yeaaa.. i was soo flippin open with everything.. lmao.. i skipped soccer obviously.. i still have a headache and my tummy hurts like a bitch.. grrrzzz... oh man though.. IM SUPRIZED MY PARENTS DIDNT KNOW!!! or maybe they do and didnt say anything yet.. MY DAD HAD TO OPEN THE DOOR FOR ME TO GET IN LAST NIGHT... and I almost ran into the damn wall!! I was like, "Oh shit theres a wall there.." and laughed.. my dad didnt say anything.. and my mom didnt say anything this morning... idk they probably knew but whatever...lol But yea this morning was bad i felt sick as fuck!!! oo man a hangover and trying to get up and get ready for school... o man o man!! lmaooo i could barely do my makeup or anything man!! my room was spinning when i woke up.. lmao.. dood crazy stuff totally. A buncha my friends that drink were telling me to eat bread koz it helps and then drink cranberry juice.. ect. ect.. right after i ate... I HAD GYM.. so i was afraid i was gunna throw up or summin.. but i didnt.. hehe. Immmmaaa pro! jk. lol gawsh im so hyper right now but i still feel like shit dood. I threw on a sweatshirt and slacker pants and shit.. and went to school.. lol i slept right up until the last flippin minute.. hehe. Idk i doubt i'll do that again koz i know what its like now, but hey i just wanted to try it. hehe. I sat by cory in DC today, but not at lunch.. thats my homie chillin time. So i said fuck it and forgot about cory.. oppsie. . yea i dont really like him like him i guess.. Its just a thing sometimes where you get the urge that u like somebody koz of a dream or something.. it makes u feel like u really got some passion for somebody.. when really nothing is clickin for ya.. But yea I could really tell john cared last night.. I was really suprized that he stayed by me like he did.. Idk I guess I figured maybe he'd get drunk if i did and then he'd be an asshole and abandon me or something.. but he didnt he really didnt! it was kinda awwwhhzz. lmao. He was really sweet forreal! lol. he kept tellin me to sit on his lap, but ughh like i could get my drunk ass off the ground. piisshhH!
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