* Time 2 Explain..

Alright time to explain my feelings and thoughts. I was completely pissed at Katie, Her family, and Her threating friend. The threats don't bother me honestly.. And neither does Katie being scared. She's always just threatend of her life to put on a show when she's going to copy and give something out to the police. I'm not stupid and the only reason why Im actually thinking about this again, is because I need to get it off my chest. I don't like Katie as a friend anymore. I use to trust her, she was my best friend! But obviously over time she didn't trust me. Trust is a big thing in any kind of relationship.. Weither it be a couple, friends, family, or any type of relationship with another person. It has killed me for her to actually think i'd do something like that.. But she's just trying to get to me. As much as she was building up threats from me to give to the police, she also screwed herself over by just talking back to me. It really does show how inconciderate she can be. That's okay because I learn to forgive and forget. I love my life and the friends i've made since this shit with her had happend. Just beccause Im friends with your enemies doesn't mean I am who I hangout with, or my thoughts are the same as theirs. Im my own person and I have no problem with that. All you need to remember in life is:: "Keeps your friends close, but your enemies closer" I really have lived by that. John use to be my worst enemy, and well Obviously he ended up being the closest person for me to trust. He's my boyfriend of course I trust him, but back then he was my worst ENEMY. Hard to believe but its true. My best friend back then "Katie" had became my enemy.. And Brooke n Olivia I use to dispise because of all the times they seemed like bitches and sluts. But I got to know them and they are my closest friends now. They use to my my typical enemy. It's wierd how the world goes.. So from here on out, no contact with Katie or family or her friends. I'm just me and Ive always kept her enemies closer. That's hard to say, but deep down I always have because they have always made their points about her. Even when I use to stick up for her.. Gawsh, Its so hard. But anyways Im learning I need to put my past back where it belongs, and yesterday was just yesterday but Im living for today.
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hey there ik its been a long time since we talked. And i'm sorry we haven't been able to keep that up. I've commented on myspace buti'm sure your busy. And i hope things are going better for you. Ik this life is hard believe me i'm fighting thro it w/ you. and it's going to be easier to get thro if we have ppl with us. so if you need anyone i'm here. love ya huna nd take care
