* Ughm

Yea idk what to type im just kinda bored. Last night James, Danni, & Preston were all over here trying to do our English crap. We had to tape a video and interpret Julius Cesar into modern day terms.. So ughmmm me and Danni came up with the idea of "Cheating" lmao. I was going out with James, Danni was going with Preston. Me and Danni cheated on them with eachother *BY* lmao... It was so fricken stupid but funny just being stupid! lol.. So yea we have to watch it tomorrow, lovely... But yea and me and james had to do our digital cinema's commercial.. lol everyone was over till like 15 to 10:00pm. Lmao. James left at 10:20pm. Oopsie lol. but yeaa we did a commercial on popsicles that you can make a wish on.. lmao idk why, we didnt know what else to do sooo yeaaa! lmao Anyways... Ive been spending alot of time with John lately, im really happy being with him. Jeeze I can't believe we've been together this long.. He's the one guy I can never get sick of, see him everyday, and still love him with the same depth and compassion each day. Our love never decreases it only gets stronger... Hehe i wrote on his arm Saturday. "John, I love you sweetie and don't you forget that... Time can only make us grow even stronger" Jeeze im such a fruitcake! :-) I luv being the fruitcake I am. I am what i am, and that's all i can be is just me. :-) :-P Ahahaha! WOoo whoo! But anywayyysssss, I have to go shopping for a bday present. I think im gunna go to the mall today after I do Gym makeups after school just because.. I have to go shopping for John's bday soooo yess! :-) I can't wait till next ThuRsDAY!! Its sooo flippin close!!! URghH! It's gunna be off the hook!! I cant wait, and everytime I hear about the concert on the radio i get sooo EXCITED! :-D FurreaallllliiI! So yeaaa NEXT THURSDAY! John's gunna be 18 next thursday!! And were going to a concert for his bddaayyyy woo whoo! I luv Hate it Or Love it. - 50 Cent ft. Game Hecckiieee yeaahhzz! Oh i was lazy as hell this morning, i didn't even do my hair over, its still in the twisties from yesterday.. lmao Well yea im so flippin bored in DC. I started typing this entry before school, so yea im going to type some more in class koz yea i have no life and shit to do in here.. Aha. James has the camcorder lmao i gave it to him this morning so i could be bored today in here 1st hour. Aha woo whoo. We have like a half hour still in this damn class.. its only 20 minutes into & Ive been bored... Like a buncha ppl wanna go see Star Wars... yea whatever the new one is.. I dont wanna go see that, and idk why. I use to be obsessed with that and Darth Maul. Now it's like ew, how the hell do u guys like that... Harry potter seems better. aha. I didnt say that, lmao. Whatever though. Umm this is bogus... *Bored* completely.. I have Amanda's umbrella. Umm she left it in Anthonys locker and hasn't gotten it for a week, umm... So i stole it. and i'm carrying it into all my classes today & watch me get into trouble.. ahaha.. .ooo well!! she shouldnt leave foreign objects in her brothers locker, expecially when he has friends like me... Woo whoo! DUH! lol so i'm going to get her before 7th hour and im going to say "here's ur umbrelly it kept me from the rain in all my classes 2day" and shes gunna give me a funny ass look.. and im going to crack the fuck up! :-D Hilarious!!! Ummm I have gym makeups 2nite.. Grrrz. Oh well! All I have is one so it'll work, whatev. Anyone wanna go to the mall with me?--
Read 7 comments
aw thanks..i know that people care..so yeah..but thanks for helping me and leaving me that comment. :-)

thanks!i know i am so excited for summer... we only have 3 days!!
18!! wow thats flippin awesome!!!! :D u two are so meant to be with eachother. (perfect couple!!!) im so happy for you guys :))

i had tons of fun in FL but missed people especially aaron alot :(( but i talked to him every day :)) so its all gravy :P

hows everything going with you??
lol i know, i love watching softball and baseball..and i really like watching baseball just because of the tight pants ;) lol your awesome!

awww thas so cute u and him are cuties :-D ty for the comment yea guys are dumb WHO NEEDS EM? ahah anot me take care
freshman.. well now sophmore-yessssss. i cant believe you still have 3 weeks, all of the schools around me are getting out now!
hey this is j2sloves daughter haha...it's really hard to move on in this town and with these stupid stupid people that are just imature and make me want to kill them all haha...I really hate a lot of people and its hard to just stand it and take it like its nothing...so the only thing that would work and make us happy is if we moved which I hope we do..tha'd be cool...well ttyl awesome diary!!! -`nyesha`