heart attack

sigh joe had a heart attack joe is my uncle and my dads oldest brother hes 53 and he had a heart attack the same age my grandpa had his first heart attck but this time they rnt sure joe is gonna make it im going to cry my eyes are tearing up but i have to hold them back i cnat cry infront of my grandma or kaylee omg joe even tho i didnt liek him much im still super sad god i wonder how my dad is taking it i probly will need to go over his house to prevent him from getting drunk agin ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh joe cant die he cant ill miss him too much when i go up to nj there will always be just an empty couch if he dies no ugh i hate this my dads side of teh family just seems liek every oen in it is dyeing left and rite but i wasnt reallly as close to ne of teh othe rppl as i was to joe well i wasnt tht close to joe but he used to draw me comics all the time i thought they were so cool and he gave me a little jewlery box and he had my name engraved in it tht was liek one of teh best presents ne one had ever givin to me i thought it was so kool tht it had my name on it it was pink and had a little ballerina in it no shhhhhhhhhhhhhh i should have these thoughts joe is gonna live i kno it he has to rite? rite sigh joe didnt don ne thing rong he really didnt do much of ne thing but tht dosent matter wat god u just gonna throw him away cuz he hasnt done much of ne thing with his life huh huh god i dont even kno if ur real ne more ive lost so much faith in u the past yr god ur just a sick little kid playing with us liek dolls lik ewe dont even feel ne thing ur liek a ick teenaged boy with fire works and a harmless little kittin fucking ass hole is wat u r god if u existed or if u were so great as teh church says u r this world should be perfect every one would dye by old age there would be no problems nut there r there r tons of them and ur sudposed to solve them all but so far i see no effort huuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh my head hurts i need advil and asprin sigh joe dont die plz dont die
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Poor Dani. I hope Joe doesnt die for you. I dont believe God is there anymore either. Feel better. LOVE and byes.
