Something Cool

Feeling: successful
My sweetness weekend: On Friday I watched the movie "thirteen" with my sister Rylee. Damnnnn that 13 year old is one badass. craZy. (I’m not sure where my mom and dad went) Sat. my family left for Boston, sadly I had a Spanish movie to film with Jayne and Joel. (it sucks) I just walked around my house and stuff. Annie came to pick me up (with all her soccer friends, Ashley, jenna, lili) and we went to her house. I got online and made a pizza and stuff, in preparation for the "big Maine Hockey game" More people came over than expected... sadly no freshmen, so I had to sit and be unsocial on the couch in between Annie and her boyfriend Jason, and Jenna and her BF Keith. Annie and I went to bed around 1ish, but the party was still ragin' downstairs (jesus Ryan hannan is LOUD) so we didn't get to sleep for awhile. A bad thing: my dad called and, and someone yelled up the stairs for me to get it. I picked up on the upstairs line, but you could hear what was being said downstairs. I think my dad heard drunk/high people talking about breaking into some building. He probably got suspicious. Oops. In the morning my uncle (who had been in Boston watching the hockey game) brought Annie and I breakfast in bed. :) They also got me an Easter basket, even though I was already going to get one from my parents. heh heh. We went to church. (I looked ridiculous in the only clothes I had; jeans and a pink top. Most def. NOT an Easter outfit! I was such an outcast. To make matters worse I saw some of the same people who I had seen last night . . . and I had the same clothes on. Haha, ohh, fashion crime!! I went home and got my lovely Easter basket, filled with candy and stuffff. Then we headed to my Grammy’s for some lunch/supper, and an Easter egg hunt. We also did an egg toss, which Ramsey and Rylee claimed they won, but really Logan and Danny did…. Annie and I didn’t even come close. This week has been uneventful. Today I started a campaign for Class President. I don’t know how I’ll do, I checked my horoscope and it said “don’t count your chickens before they hatch.” I’m taking that as a BAD sign. Courtney helped me pass out candy in HR today, and Gretchen put a sign on her back saying “Vote for Kimble if you’re cool, yo.” **what great people** :) In science we had a guest speaker guy named Mr. Steves. I felt really bad because nobody was participating and he would ask questions and the room would go silent and everyone just stared at eachother. I tried to answer but then he’d say stuff like, “So why do you think that?” and it was hard to explain why you think something…I just think it. --------------------------------------------- That was all from LAST week. I had to save it w/o updating because my ‘rents came home and I had to get off in a jiffy. ;) VACATION has finally started. I had a track meet on Sat, and got sunburnt. (no surprise there.) I’m mad/sad because for the 1st meet our hurdles were set at the wrong places. (At the guy’s instead of girls…so they were further apart than normal.) I think I could have done better if they were correct….of course that means the other girls would have probably done better too. But still, things might have turned out differently. After the meet I went to Lauren’s house. We par-tayyyed… watching a movie with Tyler. Hahah…how did he get there? Hmm.. Then we stalked people.,..(and listened to the police, every breath you take….TRUE stalkage!) and attempted to watch the Princess Bride (the greatest movie) but we both fell asleep. When I got home my dad wanted to do something outdoorsy on account of the nice day. We went bike riding (8ish miles) to a place to watch a canoe race. Unfortunately my sister and dad ditched me, and I was forced to ride back by myself. To console myself I watched the Emperor’s New Groove and ate my whole Easter chocolate bunny. Now I’m thinking about setting up my trampoline. I miss jumping. :) it is kinda late though. Whatev. I love you! Kimble P.S. If you see above, I did get the position of class president! Yayyyyyyyy… now I have no idea what to do… P.P.S. contrary to popular belif I don't not update becasue I want more comments. (not that I don't want them, mind you!) I just have a hard time getting online long enough to make a decent entry w/o typos and stuff. So THERE. My famliy of 5 only has one phone line... and we'e very popular and can't miss a call! P.P.P.S. sub·lime adj. Characterized by nobility; majestic.
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..Every move you make..


Out: Gretchen
i'm soo happy that you won class president :) *congratulations*
YOU GOT TO LONG FREAKIN ENTRIES!!! giong to go take a bath!
that was a long entry....woah
Kimble!!! i love your diary, it looks awesome. :o) my mom yelled at me in the car and shes like, im gonna stop picking you up. just start getting rides. im like uhh ok. thanks. haha anyway, ssee you tomorrow
dude sublime is a pretty good band he? love shawna
hey,as always i'm updaing my diary in yours. nothing really happened today, i had a really good outfit that i had planed for three days!!
hey,as always i'm updaing my diary in yours. nothing really happened today, i had a really good outfit that i had planed for three days!!