why dont you..

Feeling: fine
Today was grand. Came to school late.. was harrased in the hall by teachers. Didn't matter-- had a sub in band anyway. Didn't take attendance till 1/2 way thru the period. We watched a movie "stomp" or soemthing.. which i've seen at least 5 times. Everytime a music teacher is out they show the same movie.. godd. Played the movie lines game with ian, taryn, and seth. Some people joined in as time went on. Matt M. was the best at it.. mann, he knows every movie! The girls playing let me down when I said a line from a walk to remember.. they didn't know it, and Seth had to admitt that he did. lol. By far the best movie done was AIRPLANE "The fog is getting thicker.. and Leons getting LARRRGER!!" "She needs to go to a hospital." "A hospital! What is it?!" "A large building that helps people.. but thats not important right now.." "What can you make of this?" "A hat! A broach! A terridactal..!" MMkay.. moving on.. English: sat and shared stories. Mrs Scofield.. apperently, in her youth, dried out bannana peels and attempted to smoke them... haha, she told us other stuff of that nature. sweeeet was cool. Lunch: fine Science: Boring. Did a lab where we wrote on tables.. Spanish: Not as fun a usual. Wrote in our "burn book" I don't understand espaniol @ all anymore :( Everything was canceled afterschool due to snow. I had time to watch tv and update.. niice. FUNNYFUNNYFUNNYFUNNYFUNNYFUNNY.. Yesterday.. we had our 1st varsity scrimmage vs. Belfast. All the girls were in the locker room getting ready for our game ; chatinng, changing, joking, taking pictures.. whenn.. someeeeeeeone said "lol I almost thought that tampon was chalk!" ((we have a chalkboard in our locker room)) SOOO then we decided to booby trap our coach, Mr. Greenlaw. We unwraped the tampon and put it on the chalkboard tray. Haha.. then.. Coach comes in all serious, getting us pumped up for our game and stuff. He says "Now, you all remember 'Basic'.. and he turns around, PICKS UP THE TAMPON and ATTEMPTS TO WRITE WITH A TAMPON IN HIS HAND when he notices that is is not chalk, and that the whole team is laughing at him... he throws it across the room. haha maybe it will be a good season afterall.. luvvvvvvvvvzz kimble;)
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:oP that was definitely one of the highlights of the season. Can you imagine how reynolds would have reacted....? he would have made us run for that one....

<3 laur

I want to make a music video soon.

I'm doing one to a Faint song on mom's laptop, but it's only made with still frames, so it obviously sucks.
