heee heeee

Listening to: nothing at ALL
Feeling: fatigued
Mom took my temp b/c i looked "flushed" i'm a healthy 98.6!!!!!! :DD.. then she went on to ask me if i'd gone under a sunlamp... haha ??? Todayyyy afterschool had practice, went alrighty, then went to EVOs with my madre y padre. Got a "create your own pasta" I choose: angel hair, alfredo, grilled chicken, was gooood! then toll house pie for dessert. Game tomorrow My new layout started out as going to be valentine's day themed.. but somehow got onto yellow. Haha. kimbleee
Read 3 comments
hey cool diary!!
is EVO good? I heard it wasn't that impressive. Hmph.


...we should go there soon, yo.
hi from Butch Brute