A small rift

Feeling: burned
My dad woke my sister and I up at 6 o'clock this morning. Oh joy. I had basketball from 8 to 10, we mostly shot around, I know I improved though. Lucky for me I started sinking a ton of 3's just as my coach was watching. heh. Since no one could give me a ride home (living in winterport sucks!) I was stranded at my cousin's. We watched Zoolander, The Hot Chick, Mrs. Doubtfire, and some of Charlie's Angel's 2. Logan and I also counted out change and got ben+jerry's "karmel-sutra" and some chips. My dad finally came and got us at 6ish. We viseted our grandmother on the way home. Last night one of the things she loved most, her dog, was hit by a car. The guy didn't even stop to help or anything, and she couldn't move him by herself. My dad had to go out at 12 o'clock last night to help bury him. I feel sooo bad for her, they were this unseprible pair. The dog (Magic) started out with my uncle Bret, and he passed him on to my cousins. The dog (then called Black Magic) was a total disaster-- ripping up clothes, waterbeds, and he even jumped off the roof once. It was badd. They, being the good family that we are, dumped him off to my grandmother. So she bonded with him, and was the only one that understood him... and she tamed him! he actually tuned into a decent dog. He followed her EVERYWEHRE. And they LOVED EACHOTHER! My dad also told me that Magic didn't die instantly, and my Grammie was petting him as he died and he even waged his tail. I didn't even like the dog--at all- and it is still really sad. Just to see her so sad. Anyway, we stopped by and she had a ton of arts+crafts on the table, trying to keep herself busy. Tonight I had my last summer league basketball game, we won. Tomorrow I'm leaving for Wells/OOB. Wherever I go, there will be a beach. Last week I worked at my aunt's cheering camp. I could only wonder about the guys that attended, and the mothers that sent them there. It was fun, I drove a golf cart around and crashed into trash cans... (well, only one but it was SO embarassing-- it rolled around and trash flew out, not to start on the loud crrrrashing sound.) But whatever, I got $100. HEH! laterrrrrr k.k. p.s. --After the game I got a brownie wonder at dysarts. Wonnnderful!
Read 2 comments
And maybeeeee...you're gonna be the one who saves meeeeee...after allllll...you're my wonderwalllll...

Yayyyy oasis.

Good thing about wisdom teeth out: lots of milkshakes.

Bad thing: No Brownie Wonders thus far.

When are we going to build our shack?

Winterport and Old Town suck.

I can't make the penguin thing a comment pic because it isn't a .gif or .jpg file. Sorrryyyy pallll.

You should come to my house when you read this. And bring the other homies. We've got limber, hammers, and nails that need to get to work.

And ice cream.

Just kidding about the lumber, though we are still going to build a shack.

But I do have ice cream.

Out: Gretchen