why don't you do something worthwhile?

Listening to: jimmy eat world
Feeling: chipper
LAYER ONE: - Birthplace: Bangorr - Hometown: Winterport - Righty or Lefty: righty LAYER TWO: -- Your heritage: ha, who knows.. -- The shoes you wore today: bball shoes! -- Your weakness: chocolate¡K ice cream¡K -- Your fears: unhappy-ness -- Goal you'd like to achieve: have as much fun before it¡¦s too late LAYER THREE: --- Your most overused phrase on AIM: haha --- Your thoughts first waking up: eh another day.. --- Your best physical feature: ƒ¼ --- Your bedtime: when I feel like it --- Your most missed memory: back when I liked school LAYER FOUR: ---- Pepsi or Coke: water!! ---- McDonald's or Burger King: mcdonalds .. but its bad for you ;) ---- Single or group dates: hmmm¡K single, and group :) ---- Adidas or Nike: nike ---- Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: lipton ice ---- Chocolate or vanilla: vanilla ---- Cappuccino or coffee: cappuccino LAYER FIVE: ----- Smoke: no ----- Cuss: ehh ----- Sing: HAAA I wiish ----- Take a shower everyday: mostly..;) ----- Have a crush: always ----- Do you think you've been in love: nopee ----- Want to go to college: yes ----- Like high school: kinda ----- Want to get married: yes ----- Believe in yourself: sometimes ----- Get motion sickness: possibly ----- Think you're attractive: ehh.. ----- Think you're a health freak: maybe someday ----- Get along with your parent(s): if I try.. ----- Like thunderstorms: YESss haha, lightning.. ----- Play an instrument: trumpet.. or mostly, I sit and pretend to play.. LAYER SIX: In the past month... ------ Gone to the mall?: yes ------ Eaten an entire box of Oreos: they come in boxes? ------ Eaten sushi: no, neverrrrr ------ Been on stage: I don¡¦t¡¦ think soo ------ Been dumped: nope ------ Gone skating: not ice not snow not board ------ Made homemade cookies: YES .. actually,, from pre-made dough (its bad) ------ Gone skinny dipping: too cold ------ Dyed your hair: never have ------ Stolen anything: haha water! Ohhh noo¡K LAYER SEVEN: Ever... ------- Played a game that required removal of clothing: yes sir ------- If so, was it mixed company: yes. ------- Been called a tease: haha, no one really says that.. ------- Gotten beaten up: I do all of the beating up around here.. ------- Shoplifted: hm ------- Changed who you were to fit in: yes ; that¡¦s not cool LAYER EIGHT: -------- Age you hope to be married: before 30 -------- Numbers and Names of Children: I don¡¦t know how many, I like the names Alexandria, Colby, Conner.. -------- Describe your Dream Wedding: Outdoors, big cake, fancy dressƒº -------- How do you want to die: happy -------- Where you want to go to college: The Boston/New York area -------- What do you want to be when you grow up: I don¡¦t¡¦ know, back in the day a vet or zookeeper, then pilot, and now.. I¡¦m not so sure -------- What country would you most like to visit: Australia.. since forever LAYER NINE: In a guy/girl.. --------- Best eye color? Blue or green --------- Best hair color? No prefrence --------- Short or long hair: I think longer is better for most --------- Best height: taller than me --------- Best weight: doesn¡¦t really matter¡Xmuscle weighs more than fat. --------- Best articles of clothing: pants {jeans} --------- Best first date location: dinner and a movie --------- Best first kiss location: a carrr ;) LAYER TEN: ---------- # of people I could trust with my life: I have no idea, am I a trusting person? ---------- # of CDs that I own: not enough! ---------- # of piercings: 3 ---------- # of tattoos: none ¡K yet ¡K ---------- # of scars on my body: around 5 ---------- # of things in my past that I regret: 2 things I realllly regret.
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i wuvvvv you.

i hope you had a super fantastic merry fabulous christmas.
Number of Gretchen Leithiser's that love you like whoa: At least one!

ok, so i hit the "random" button, and i came to you. is it destiny? i think so. Happy new year, darling. :O)